Summer is here and when you don't have a lot of time but still know a bathing suit is in your very near future you want a quick workout to get you feeling good! That's why we are so excited to have Health & Mindset Coach, Megan Thomas, share a quick 15 minute circuit workout she loves! 

Wether you are new to working out or a CrossFit Games athlete, this quick workout can be efficient and modified to your body. 

Going on your Summer vacation and going to be away from a gym? This is perfect for that too! Your bodyweight is enough to get the most out of this circuit. 


4 Moves | 60 Seconds Each | 3 Sets

  • Sumo Squat Jumps
  • Weighted Knee Driver [30 seconds each leg]
  • Skater Jumps
  • Front/Back Lunge [30 seconds each leg]
  • BONUS! 60 second high knees

Want to see the moves or modifications, watch the full 15 minute circuit workout video  here:

If you want to learn more you can find Megan Thomas, @itsmeganjthomas.

Try this workout and Tag us and Megan when you do!


Fig & Willow